Homegrown Sprouts
Originally posted on 3 May 2017
They may take a little forethought, but growing salad sprouts at home is like, really easy. Delicious, healthy, fresh. No green thumb needed! Our Grow Your Own Sprouts kit contains everything you need for your first 8 batches, and the handy-dandy booklet that comes with it will tell you how to sprout just about anything. But don't worry, you can do this without the kit, as long as you have a mason jar, a screen or piece of cheesecloth and some seeds!
A Recipe for Homegrown Sprouts
what you'll need
1 Tbsp sprouting seeds, any kind
1 quart mason jar
sprouting lid, screen or cheesecloth to fit over jar
yield: ~ 4 cups
Be sure to get seeds that are intended for making sprouts from your local grocery or garden center. Today I'm sprouting High Mowing's Spicy Salad Mix. High Mowing is a wonderful Vermont-based company that offers a variety of sprouting mixes (as well as seeds for your garden!)
1. Place 2 Tbsp sprouting seeds in a quart mason jar. Cover with water and let soak overnight.
2. Place screen or cheesecloth over top of jar and screw band onto jar. Drain soaking water and rinse with fresh water. Turn jar upside down and leave in bowl at an angle, allowing water to drain out and air to circulate (see image below).
3. 1 - 2x daily, rinse your seeds with fresh water and drain. This keeps them from drying out and prevents mold.
4. Repeat step 3 for 4 - 6 days, or until your sprouts look delicious!
soaking step 1
from step 2 on, keep your sprouts set up like this!
sprouts after 2 days
sprouts after 3 days
sprouts after 4 days
Share your sprouting babies with us on social media and tag #RevivalDIYs! Happy sprouting!